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Trusted by over 5 million developers

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The ingress controller is amazing and would be a great way for us to solve some local developer experience issues we're trying to improve on.


Ngrok dramatically simplifies connectivity into our customers’ network. They don’t need to make any changes to their network. - Sam Logan, Co-founder of Rinsed


Wow, ngrok is so useful!

– @batok

#ngrok is probably the most useful tool I've used this year:

– @nbrempel

I don’t know how you write anything involving webhooks without ngrok.

– @brentdax

If you haven't tried out using ngrok its an amazing time saver. Forward local port to a temp. public address

– @CalebSmithNC

I'm impressed with for tunneling HTTP and TCP through firewalls with introspection. Great work @inconshreveable!

– @mc

Love finding a tool that opens up possibilities I'd thought impossible. Web developers check out

– @JohnHathaway

Just used ngrok for the first time to show off a new GopherCon web layout. Wow, that's awesome.

– @bketelsen

I would not know how to work without , no need for difficult deploy new projects, my computer is already running 24/7

– @kevinsimper

OMG life changer

– @lyzidiamond

#ngrok is simply awesome, tunneling like a boss

– @kaptenupi

I discovered ngrok by @inconshreveable yesterday - wow. Such a simple installation & interface, and all the right options.

– @malgorithms

Ngrok, I actually love you. You make my life infinitely easier.

– @jtorraca

I have literally no idea how I solved many of these problems before I used ngrok

– @lornajane

Just discovered ngrok - what a cool service. Port your localhost to the web dang easy.

– @nickmealey

hmm ngrok is really nice. Why didn't anybody tell me about this before :)

– @jelmer1980

Fell in love with ngrok at first sight

– @kuizinas

Holy smokes, ngrok is amazing!

– @christiannaths

ngrok is amazing and indispensible

– @multiplegeorges

i enjoy paying for services that solve a real need. thanks @inconshreveable for ngrok

– @jeffwalstrom

Damnit @ngrok makes my life so easy

– @BrandonMathis

pow + @inconshreveable ngrok is pure awesome

– @ryanbillingsley

@inconshreveable loving #ngrok and happy to pay for such a great service.

– @yonkeltron

ngrok is one of those tools that is easy and just works. I don't want to to set up IaaS for demos, and now I don't have to.

– @kindasimple

Ngrok is badass for tunnelling your ports and replaying requests

– @NickWoodhams

The unicorn has a name: ngrok. Thank you soooo much, @inconshreveable

– @xcambar


– @tomasdev

Oh Ngrok, how easy you make it to test wekhooks. I wish I had found you sooner.

– @macmartine

Thank @inconshreveable for the ngrok... what a beauty...

– @ibuildinternet is wonderful and magical and I love it :D

– @TheJokersThief

@CarterRabasa was using ngrok in a demo. What is ngrok? It is pure, unadulterated awesome!

– @YiddishNinja The best thing ever. Not even exaggerating.

– @xhezairia

Ngrok is the only tool I’ve used that just works. Srsly, from install to usage, it is solid and well-designed.

– @joefiorini

ngrok is so useful for opening a tunnel to a port on localhost for service testing tunnel+traffic analysis+replay

– @johnnyrodgersis

#ngrok is awesome. I'm in love.

– @janajri

Testing LOCAL dev site in a VM against REMOTE staging server with hosted #siteeffect env by tunneling through #ngrok. … I mean… WOW

– @timmjansen

Needed to expose my website externally to test on a blackberry. Found #ngrok and was literally up and running in a minute.

– @dchipping

If you're testing webhooks without using , I feel really bad for you. Such amazingness.

– @dwrowe

@inconshreveable Just the best service ever. I may be dreaming right now.

– @Roman2K

#ngrok might be the greatest thing ever

– @raymondjacobson

#ngrok is one of the most useful tools I have ever come across. Demo your work without deploying

– @chrisdingli

#ngrok has got to be the easiest local tunnel solution I've ever used.

– @thecodeboss

after using it during several months it's my new #musthave #DevTools

– @agerlic

welp, best thing I've seen on the internet in a long time

– @FitNerdAlerts

Just got introduced to #ngrok by @geddski. This thing's amazing.

– @kentcdodds

Wow #ngrok is awesome!

– @BobaFaux

– @kentcdodds

– @perfnormalbeast– @perfnormalbeast

Just got introduced to #ngrok by @geddski. This thing's amazing.

– @kentcdodds

Ngrok is a fantastic tool!

– @epicserve

ngrok is genius, replaying requests makes webhooks 1M times easier to handle.

– @Breefield

Wait, stop everything! Are you telling me that #ngrok can capture webhooks/PayPal IPN requests and let me replay them at my leisure!?

– @wizonesolutions

#ngrok has become essential to my workflow. Makes testing responsive designs so much easier.

– @_shadj

@inconshreveable This is super useful and time saver

– @jitendravyas

@puntofisso just introduced me to This is going to speed up workflow so much.

– @_shadj

Ngrok, you are my savior.

– @jtorraca

Ngrok was the perfect solution to my problem. Simple and sweet, I love it!

– K Schellens

<3 ngrok (

– @alistairholt is amazing.

– @pocketconfetti

Check out ngrok - This is awesome!

– @jdmiller82

ngrok ( ) is an awesome and elegant solution for exposing localhost to the internet. Saves loads of time.

– @anoopsankar

ngrok tunneling has made cross device testing pure bliss

– @cr_api

ngrok - This became usable immediately.

– @V13Axel

ngrok rocks. #justsaying. Thanks @inconshreveable!

– @phildye

#ngrok — this is all kinds of awesome.

– @__DarkBlue

Ngrok is freaking tight

– @boram

Super super useful

– @jayroh

I just created a tunnel to a local #django dev server in less than 30 secs thanks to and @inconshreveable <3


So my custom/static localtunneling woes have been vanquished. Thanks ngrok!

– @adelamodwala great tool !! solved a problem for me trying to show my client the progress by exposing localhost web server

– @atheistmind

Can’t believe I’m just discovering #ngrok: Incredibly useful developer tool!

– @taoeffect

ngrok seems to be the most reliable tool for localhost tunneling. Thanks @inconshreveable!

– @matinm1

Viens de tester pour avoir une adresse http qui pointe sur mon localhost. Génial!

– @damienriccio

#ngrok is simply a.m.a.z.i.n.g. !!

– @karansachdeva86

shoutout to @inconshreveable for ngrok, the most awesome localhost tunnel ever

– @clarklab

Handy Tip: USE NGROK.

– @rbin

ngrok is THE tool to use at hackathons!

– @cashbagel

this ngrok utility just made my day

– @SenorLlama

Comparte tus archivos locales online con #ngrok > ¡¡Re útil para compartir maquetas!!

– @Xaviju

just discovered - ad-hoc tunnels to your locally running server. amazing.

– @jasiek_

If you need to publicly expose localhost, I highly recommend ngrok by @inconshreveable – fast, stable, solid web UI.

– @vandrijevik

Amazing tool.

– @kootoopas

Pure joy and excitement just happened the moment I got to my dev website on localhost using ngrok! Very useful app right there.

– @thatpatrickguy

Wow! Loving the tunnelling service . Setup a public tunnel to your localhost with eeeease.

– @mihar

ngrok has proven itself to be awesome.

– @R38Y

zomg ngrok is really good!

– @revdancatt

ngrok is so effing amazing

– @motdotla

Just started using ngrok for localhost tunneling. Replay is awesome.

– @uberllama

Wow, just found the web interface for which allows inspection of all requests. So useful

– @imackinn

I have been looking for something like #ngrok for some time. Super nice

– @bjeanes

Just used ngrok for the first time! Incredible intuitive and feature packed. Nice job @inconshreveable.

– @austinylin

If you are a developer and have to test 3rd party services locally I highly recommend ngrok

– @dougdrouillard

Ngrok is the coolest thing.

– @LennyKhazan

I admit it: I would just roll my eyes and run ssh -R… when folks talked about tunnel services. But ngrok is pretty cool. Inspection &replay!

– @eriktheplaid

ngrok is making my life so much better.

– @briancantrell

Ngrok where have you been all my life.

– @Januzellij

Finding ngrok was like realizing I was doing it all wrong. Oh so wrong...

– @AurelioReis

ngrok is so great when you need to let something on the web access a local Rails app running on Pow.

– @olivierlacan

Just got to know #ngrok: It's amazing!

– @SeraAndroid

Just discovered ngrok - this is pretty amazing. Makes getting a locally hosted dev site accessible over the internet (over https) so simple

– @theunfocused

Try ngrok for your
application or API